The theory is a theory, practice is practice. We all know that some elements of the theoretical factors that affect or might affect the search results, but jel that mean we just have to have and that they are so important to make a total panic about that? No, because in practice things a little differently. Rating can be achieved without:
Meta keywords and meta description tag - meta keywords you really should not have, nor ever, a meta description just is not even close to as important to spend some significant money to correct or implement, especially if you do not have them.
Heading tags - I love all the pages have a H1, H2 tags and other places where they normally place, but the rating can definitely and without it.
Completely correct code - the validation is not even a factor for me, let alone that it is entirely proper for an essential factor for the rating. Much larger number of pages is defective in so neatly ranked.
Quality content - the subject I have already dealt with before, search engines simply do not understand what is quality content. For them it is a set of words on a page that you are certain sources polinkali.
Amounts of content - you know those stories that you have so many characters and too low, making it too so how will you then explain RSS news aggregators which are ranked from less than 255 characters "unique" content. eg Digg or our Croportal.
Keyword density - if you write an article and mention the keyword in it 3 times it's quite ok. If you mention the 5 times it's quite ok. If you mention it as many times as you naturally will be it's ok. No need to mention more than you need, you do not need to count and measure the percentages. You write the article if they are natural and other elements in order to optimize polinka are several sources of articles will be ranked. If you these elements are not resolved and no you do not polinka trpanj unnecessary words in order to increase density will not help you.
Alt tags - This is my favorite tip that I heard that the page no alt tags. Well? It would be wrong to have for themselves and the users files, but that does not mean that the actual site will rank.
File extension and language programming - totally irrelevant.
Flash - if you have a whole page in flash then you have a problem if you only header, banners, a part of it is quite ok. This is why you will not be ranked.
Javascript and AJAX - you have lots of JavaScript and AJAX? Same thing as a flash, nothing is a problem until the moment when you are full page and or the essential elements are not AJAX.
The length of URLs - all major news sites have long URLs for you why would that be a problem? When it does not matter how much length is an important purpose. Yet hold shorter categories that differ from the articles themselves, in that there are still logic.
Server - server hosting, and believe me it's not the reason for lower ratings unless you just do not have technical difficulties, or you are on a blacklist.
Money - without going to love just needs a little train and test:).
The point of fasting is not to stop writing quality content or use alt tags, but you know that the elements listed above are not to blame for poor ratings. If you can solve some of them great, I recommend you to use them, if for some reason does not respond do not be discouraged that it makes no sense without it. There.