7 great SEO tips for web redesign

This post has been prepricana rough version of the article (+ my comments), published in SearchEngineLand.com who has really hit the issue and practice. Title of the article was 7 Do's & Do not For a Technical Working With SEO During a redesign . Let's row:

If you want everything to work with search engines how to turn on the SEO experts at the beginning of the process. Means of sketches on paper to the live version. If the start wrong, you'll have subsequently changed.
Include SEO experts in the whole process, do you happen to drop some unimportant trifles, and the key part of the process should be repeated. There are minor factors that can mean one position over the entire set of keywords.
Connect directly with expert SEO developers clear that there is a broken phone and unnecessary tensions.
If you are able to seek additional consultation by another SEO expert.
Ask your SEO experts to prepare guidance on important matters before the developers start to program. It will be easier for them and all will go smoothly and easily.
SEO expert is not there to command and sets ultimatum that development should do their job because they already know perfectly but is there to make recommendations to comply with all the search engines. SEO experts in collaboration with development should find a solution to every problem with search engines.
If you optimize your site properly you should not be afraid of falling attendance. Of course it is always best to be cautious, but generally all is as it should. If you suspect Repeat point 4
The most important thing is to deliver quality customer service because it directly affects his job, and you and your business relationship.