I was surprised how many people do not know that Google Analytics is often not properly recorded visits. You've probably noticed the first time you use Adwords to visit and compared the statistics of clicks from the AdWords interface, and one in the Analticsu (vs. paid. Non paid). These two figures are always different and some times drastically. On the official blog Analticsa you post back to February 2008. year where it explains: Where Did My Paid Search Traffic Go ? Although in this post states that the Auto Tagging options included by default and still know the numbers vary considerably, and further measurements are not exactly as expected. The same happens with the measurement of clicks on flash banners and various visits that comes across redirektanih links.
If you want to avoid it and get the correct numbers, you must manually create the parameters for the landing page that you are advertising. These parameters, which perfectly understands Analytics can be found in their FAQ, in the form of the URL Builder tool. For each campaign you are doing you can create the appropriate parameters, and in particular it noted in the statistics. If it is not likely to make you some of the visits paid, banner visits and visits by redirektanih links end up being a direct bookmark, or a referral will be recorded as paid, but as organic search.
Analytics is a great tool, but you need to know some things manually adjusted.