If you start to create new web site is my recommendation to comply with these 5 terribly important factor for search engines:
Before you order the making of the very page you are looking for web development that respects the web standards - that will indirectly facilitate the smooth indexing web pages and ispoštivati 10-odd factors that affect search engines. 10-odd factors, this seems terribly important factor.
Looking for developers to rewrite the URL you agree - is a difficult issue any special treatment, but also likely to have in the pipeline. If it does not plan to make them easily natjerajte because it is terribly important factor for search engines.
Looking for developers to enable you to control title tags and meta description tags for each site - some allow you to manually adjust these two tags for each URL in it to hand if nothing is entered automatically pulls the article title, category, topic, tool or something to fifth title tag and inserts a description of up to 160 characters in the meta description tag by cutting the first 160 characters of content. It is terribly important factor for search engines.
Looking for editors to think about the titles of articles - although it's little touches in the editorial part of a very meaningful and impact on web development, therefore, can always be found in the environment with which to be satisfied both sides. If the article talks about the "yellow tea" its title should not not contain the "yellow tea" in it. Article title is a title page that appears in all the important parts of the site for search engines and search engines are the first titles of the factors on which the site works. Titles must be specific and clear and it makes them terribly important factor for the rating.
Promote the content - is no longer enough to write an article about something and its title appear in the top search engines. It is to ispromovirati through a variety of services to be able to compete with other similar articles from other popular domains. Learn through which services can promote the articles and use them regularly. Without this there is no desired rating factor that makes this terribly important factor.
Do this and you'll have no problem with beginners at the start of the search engines because you will already have most of what the Web does not. Do not do it and most likely will have additional costs for programming, SEO and various miscellaneous consultations later.