It seems that whenever a search engine will try to solve a bigger problem, invent a new tag that will be required to insert into the page. Such tags have been best known as noindex and nofollow. Now there was a new agreement between Google, Yahoo and MSNa and invented the canonical tag. URL canonicalization is the term for which you have broken during the articulation and language by Matt Cutts explained back in 2006th year. This example is a continuation of the story in which the search engines throw canonical tag answer that URL is unique from all the URLs on your site with same content. This will speed up the crawl because search engines will not index pages with duplicate content. Also this site would be better ranking because Google PR will be "transferred" to the original version.
Suppose you have a URL for listing products on the site and to have that same URL with additional parameters that pulls these products alphabetically, this URL is inserted above tag to search knew that this was the same page, but whose content is an additional parameter just different lists (eg, alphabetically, by price). The above tag can also be used to print pages of articles where it tells the search engines to let the print version alone because it is original in this and the URL.
How does this tag?
What is this tag?
Do not crawl that page because it does not matter, the original site with original content appears on this link:
Maybe most of this tag will get confused and it took me a little more time, but for some things we now have one more solution. Additional explanations have here: Google, Yahoo & Microsoft Unite On "Canonical Tag" To Reduce Duplicate Content Clutter .