The key word you want to be on top must be on the page, not just once, twice or thrice, but in all essential parts of the site. Although it now sounds like something we all know, every little bit choppy at the site where the keywords are simply too few to mention and yet the wrong places. And sometimes I do not pay attention to it, I recently tried to understand why I stand so bad on a keyword that I realized that it have a title in the Tag and the only one on the page. What do you think happened when I added it a few more times and in the right places? Two pages more.
Search engines are interested in content and because there are therefore expected to be a keyword appears on a page. Expected to appear in the right places, those types of daily h1, h2, title tag, site navigation, content, etc. If the link is more often mentioned on the page to signal the search engines what the site does, but not too much to associate with keyword density tools and formulas, because the point is not that the keyword is found in most times the content has to be in the right places.